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The Max Planck Diet

If the Max Planck Diet is carried out properly (duration 2 weeks) it is guaranteed that you will lose 9kg. It is claimed that in the following three years weight will not be regained as a result of the change of the metabolic rate which takes place during the diet.

The Max Planck Diet has been spread around mostly by word of mouth and in the internet. The developer of this diet is unknown.

As the diet sheet is so short we have decided to illustrate it briefly:

Diet Sheet of the Max Planck Diet which was apparently suggested by the Max Planck Institute:

Day 1 of the Max Planck Diet
. Breakfast: As much coffee as you like. No sugar
. Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, spinach (slightly salted)
. Dinner: 1 large grilled steak or 3 fried beef steaks, salad and celery

Day 2 of the Max Planck Diet
. Breakfast: Black coffee, no sugar and one bread roll.
. Lunch: 1 large steak, salad and any kind of fruit
. Dinner: unlimited amount of cooked ham

Day 3 of the Max Planck Diet
. Breakfast: black coffee, no sugar and one bread roll
. Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, salad and tomatoes
. Dinner: cooked ham and salad

Day 4 of the Max Planck Diet
. Breakfast: black coffee, no sugar and one bread roll.
. Lunch: 1 boiled egg, raw or boiled carrots and Swiss cheese
. Dinner: fruit and plain yoghurt

Day 5 of the Max Planck Diet
. Breakfast: carrots with lemon and black coffee
. Lunch: steamed fish and tomatoes
. Dinner: 1 steak with salad

Day 6 of the Max Planck Diet
. Breakfast: black coffee and 1 bread toll
. Lunch: grilled chicken
. Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, carrots

Day 7 of the Max Planck Diet
. Breakfast: Tea with lemon juice
. Lunch: 1 grilled steak, any kind of fruit
. Dinner: whatever you like!


. The diet is repeated from the beginning on the 8 th day. Thereafter you can eat normally.
. If you stick to the diet plan you will lose 9kg. (So it is claimed!!)
. This diet causes the metabolic rate to change which prevents you from putting on weight for the next 3 years. (So it is claimed!!)
. The consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden in this diet.


Evaluation of the Max Planck Diet:

An evaluation of the Max Planck Diet was offered by the German Consumer Foundation " Stiftung Warentest ":

"Conclusion: Don't do it! Losing 9 kg in 2 weeks is simply impossible and it is likewise impossible for the metabolic rate to change in this period."
(" Stiftung Warentest " - a German Consumer Foundation - Comparison of 80 diets)

  • Both the "Max Planck Institute for Nutrition" as well as the Institut für Ernährungswissenschaften" in Wien ("Nutritional Sciences Institute") distance themselves from the Max Planck Diet. It was not developed by either of the two institutes.
  • The Max Planck Diet does not have enough vital nutrients. There is also too much protein in this diet.


Hungry Girl to the Max!: The Ultimate Guilt-Free Cookbook, Lisa Lillien

The 17 Day Diet: A Doctor's Plan Designed for Rapid Results, Mike Moreno

Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Revised Edition, Joel Fuhrman

The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter's 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan that Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds, Rip Esselstyn

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