Tension in the Neck Muscles as a Result of Abdominal Muscle Exercises
Tension in the neck muscles can be caused by abdominal muscle exercises. This kind of tension can also lead to headaches.
Possible Causes:
1.) Not Carrying Out Exercises Correctly
It is usually when the abdominal muscles are still relatively weak that many people try to compensate in order to take the strain off the muscles.
Jerking the head is very common. The abdominal exercises become easier when the head is jerked forward but this simply leads to tension in the neck muscles. Furthermore, the exercise is a lot less intense.
The jerking of the head is a mistake made by many beginners. For this reason we do not recommend placing the hands behind the head. The head is usually jerked even more in this position.
Keep your head in line with your body. Relax your neck. It is only the abdominal muscles that raise your upper body. Imagine a string tied to your breast bone that pulls you up. Neither your head nor arms should move during the exercise.
Try not to lift the upper body too far. The exercise all depends on the tightness of the abdominal muscles and not on how high you can lift your upper body.
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2.) Weak Neck Muscles
Weak neck muscles can also cause tension. The head cannot be held upright if the neck muscles are weak. In this case you should fold your arms behind your head to give it support. This takes the strain off the neck muscles.
Only do as many repetitions as you can do properly. Cheating, for e.g. by jerking your head, does not get you anywhere.
Any kind of pain is a reason to go and visit your doctor. This website does not replace any medical advice. In this regard, please take note of our limitation of liability.

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The Men's Health Big Book: Getting Abs: Get a Flat, Ripped Stomach and Your Strongest Body Ever--in Four Weeks, Adam Bornstein