"Shiatsu" means finger pressure and it is an old and widely practiced form of oriental massage. Shiatsu-massage was originally developed in China and developed further in Japan. Shiatsu is based on the same principle as acupuncture. Shiatsu is a combination of massage and acupuncture and just like old Chinese medicine it is based on the concept of Qi and the energy meridians.
One of the main differences between shiatsu massage and other types of massage is that most of the pressure applied is static and it is not associated with movements.
Shiatsu Theory and Practice, 3e, Carola Beresford-Cooke BA LicAc MRSS
Applying Shiatsu-Massage
Shiatsu massage is particularly used to maintain health. Shiatsu massage is also often used for functional disorders. These illnesses or disorders usually involve no tangible changes in the organism. Shiatsu massage is no longer effective if organs, muscles or bones are already damaged.
- Joint and muscle complaints
- Insomnia, restlessness and other stress related disorders
- Headaches, migraines
- Chronic pain
- Digestive disorders
The Book of Shiatsu: A Complete Guide to Using Hand Pressure and Gentle Manipulation to Improve Your Health, Vitality and Stamina